Representation of debtors, protection of secured and unsecured rights of creditors, committees of creditors.
Advising on the peculiarities of non-residents conducting commercial activities in Ukraine.
Support of projects in courts of all levels and specializations with the use of extrajudicial dispute settlement mechanisms.
Representing the interests of clients at all stages of the criminal process.
Creation, reorganization and liquidation of companies in Ukraine, preparation of relevant documentation.
Protection of rights to real estate and land, resolution of disputes regarding real estate and construction.
Evaluation and development of policies and regulations, representation and protection of clients' interests in law enforcement agencies, courts, etc.
Diagnostics regarding tax risks for transactions and transactions of taxpayers.
Support in conducting a global legal audit of the compliance system.
Legal support of the procedure for obtaining patents for an invention, utility model, industrial design.
Assessment of corruption risks in a particular organization (analysis of information about its activities, interviews with employees, etc.).
Advising on the development of defence strategies and representing interests in investigations.
Participation in the conduct of investigative and procedural actions, appeal against illegal decisions and inaction of the investigator, prosecutor, judge.
Consultation and representation on divorce in the registry offices and in court, recognition of marriage as invalid or not concluded.
General support on labor law issues, including audit of internal documents and support during inspections by regulators.
Audit and development of intellectual property management strategy.
Legal support for the development of products in the field of IT, development of contracts in the field of IT.
Audit and concept of copyright management, development of copyright agreements.
Evaluating the chances of registering a trademark, conducting a preliminary search for trademarks.
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